Munnaf699 发表于 2023-4-15 14:19:11

You Can Communicate A New Incident

The sentence will be limited to declaring the right of the workers who have been affected to reincorporation to their jobs. There is no mention of an explicit pronouncement of condemnation that imposes on the employer an obligation to do, give or not do. Therefore, annulment is possible as long as all the steps of the procedure are respecteModern societies have made the motor vehicle a sign of identity and Spain is not a country that is alien to this reality.

The automobile fleet continues to be renewed, which implies the permanent generation of end-of-life vehicle (VFU) waste, which must be given adequate treatment in accordance with whatsapp mobile number list the hierarchy that is generally established in Law 22/2011: preparation for reuse, recycling and recovery. This sequence of action materializes in the case of ELVs, addressing in the first instance in the so-called authorized treatment centers, CAT, the decontamination of the vehicle as well as the separation of parts and components so that those with commercial value that have commercial value are prepared for reuse.,h_366,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01,enc_auto/f7e28f_e4d3bcca560b4a8e8a013a9a72b6de9c~mv2.jpg

May be offered on the second-hand market. Decontamination operations include the removal of batteries and possible explosive agents, which could also be neutralized, as well as the different fluids found inside the vehicle, particularly fuel, oil, brake fluid, antifreeze fluid. or fluid from air conditioning equipment. Any components that may have contained mercury must also be removed. Once the ELV has been decontaminated, its different components that can be reused and removed must be removed, such as catalysts, metal elements, used tires or glass.

xelozz 发表于 2024-6-11 05:59:44


xelozz 发表于 2024-6-11 06:00:46

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