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It can be said that whether it is weak AI focusing on specific









发表于 2024-3-9 16:32:08 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The most intuitive one is to defeat AlphaGo, which is known as the contemporary chess master. Artificial general intelligence AGI, generalstrong artificial intelligence, has primary consciousness and can show amazing abilities in many fields, such as the current Chat GPT- Artificial superintelligence ASI, super artificial intelligence, whose consciousness is equal to or exceeds that of humans, such as Jarvis in the Marvel movie Iron Man. Such as writing AI, drawing AI, video generation AI, music AI, etc., in fact, they still stay at weak AI. Even the most popular Generative AI or AIGC is actually just a relatively rudimentary strong AI. Its typical representatives include ChatGPT, Claude, bard, Wen Xin Yi Yan, Tong Yi Qian Wen, etc.

Many artificial intelligences were born in Some artificial intelligences are better at translation, can easily replace basic translation, and can also serve as oral language coaches some artificial intelligences are developing in the direction of virtual lovers, giving people compan Armenia WhatsApp Number ionship when they are lonely Taobao Question is more It can help consumers make reasonable plans and find the most suitable discounts more efficiently, and it can also help straight men understand what facial mask underwear is. fields or strong AI in primary general fields, they all have a bright future. Write at the end Although the current artificial intelligence occasionally exhibits mental retardation, it is undeniable that its performance is already very good.

A variety of artificial intelligence products can help people work and live more efficiently in various fields. We may not be able to deduce in the short term when the era of super artificial intelligence will arrive, but we can be sure that they are coming.Form review  Does canceling the form affect the data changes in the subform? Ah Qing focus on -- comment views collection minutes  B-side product managers need to consider more about the functionality, stability, security, compliance, etc. of the product, while C-side product managers need to consider more about the ease of use of the product. There are actually many aspects worth discussing in form design, such as the issue discussed in this article - does canceling the form affect the data changes of the subform?








发表于 2024-5-15 03:25:57 | 显示全部楼层
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