Everything was wonderfully planned and perfectly calculated - and suddenly the bill for the single-family home or the new office building is three times as high. Just the thought of suddenly rising costs can make project planners sweat with fear. In the following text, you will learn how to avoid unpleasant surprises.
Man in front of light gray background looks into the camera and grimaces
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The fear is not a coincidence
The 2017 builder study by the builder consultant "Almondia" revealed shocking figures. 75 percent of all homes built between 2012 and 2017 experienced an explosion in project costs. On one in five construction sites, expenses rose by 20 percent. On one in ten houses, they even rose by 30 percent. There are many reasons for this economic nightmare. Most calculations assume a tight schedule, reliable suppliers Cell Phone Number Database and beautiful weather. But then suddenly some workers are sick, suppliers leave the wrong building material on the construction site and can only deliver the right one four weeks later. And instead of the typical September sunshine, there is constant rain. All of this is simply impossible to calculate. Even small delays lead to a domino effect. Everyone knows what that can mean. If the bills pile up and no one can or wants to pay, there is even a risk of bankruptcy.
Famous cases that made it into the media
Developers and construction companies can at least console themselves with the fact that they are not alone in this phenomenon. Exploding costs are a part of many construction projects. Famous projects even make headlines with their incorrect calculations. In the summer of 2019, Deutsche Bahn had to admit that spending on its current bridge renovation program had already doubled! Even the most famous buildings in the world have had to contend with unbelievable figures. The construction of the Sydney Opera House was fifteen times more expensive than planned! The Elbphilharmonie in Hamburg was supposed to be built for 77 million euros. In the end, the bill came to 866 million - more than eleven times as much. In all of these famous projects, construction took much longer than planned. Salaries therefore play a key role in this phenomenon. You can do better!

Durchblick clockin
With clockin’s live cost function, project planners can keep track of everything.
How to do it better
Until now, you had to trust your gut feeling on the construction site and then check long invoices and work plans at your desk later if you didn't want to lose track of the actual expenses. However, important decisions often have to be made on site and very quickly. If you can only trust the analog documents and your gut feeling on the construction site, you often overlook possible alternatives as the project progresses. A solid feeling about construction is of course good. A digital solution that keeps track of everything is invaluable, however. It provides confirmation or reassurance, keeps the calculations up to date and saves you time-consuming calculations at your desk.
And this is how it works
The time tracking app clockin now has an interesting feature for anyone who hates losing track of their expenses. With clockin's live overview, you get a live status of previous project times and personnel costs, accurate to the minute. The app even automatically compares the current figures with the planned values. As a boss, you can use clockin to immediately see whether you are still on track with your project. No more nasty surprises! You can find all of clockin's functions here. If you notice that the time required for certain work is significantly longer than planned, you can recalculate, contact the client immediately and discuss the problem with them. Or you can consider whether you can save time on other work. This new digital solution also shows which work takes less time than planned. Perhaps you are working faster in other areas? Then there is no reason to worry. Relief instead of worry lines. That is also possible.