Nothing drives impulse buying more than a limited time offer or an exclusive offer! Therefore, one simple way to encourage your audience to swipe up and visit your website and (hopefully) make a purchase is to create a sense of urgency, or fear of fomo (fear of missing out ) in your instagram stories ads text!You can refer to brands who use strong calls to action in their texts that encourage people to swipe up and visit the website to learn more. Although this method is simple, it is very effective! Screen shot 2018 10 08 at 08.37.22as mentioned in the previous article, instagram users are wary of sponsored posts and instagram stories ads. So, grab the user's attention from the 'sponsored' tag in the upper right corner of your instagram stories ads by placing your main message or image in the center of the screen, or closer to your 'swipe up' link.
It's worth remembering that every second counts when it comes to engagement, so if you can immediately capture the audience's attention with your message (rather than focusing on the sponsored tag), it can make a huge difference to the links in your ads. Screen shot sometimes all the message you need to convey can't be Belgium Email List squeezed into one static 15-second video or photo. And that's why instagram created the carousel format for instagram stories ads. A carousel that can consist of three images, or three 15-second videos, allows you to build your advertising message through three sections, which users can click on just as they would on their friends' stories. However, just like with organic instagram posts, users can tap, swipe back and forth, or pause content whenever they like. So being creative and interesting from scratch is very important! We created this advertisement for one of our clients, flies, a young women's fashion.

We incorporated some native instagram stories elements, such as drawing tools along with video and animated text to create a 45-second carousel ad and managed to get 67% more clicks than ads placed in feeds. Instagram recently revealed that 60% of instagram stories ads are viewed with sound! Having audio, whether it's sound or music can make your instagram stories ad more engaging and engage your audience. Brands like vichyuki have all made use of sound effects, voice-over and music, for their instagram stories ads!So, it's not difficult isn't it to start instagram stories ads? But if you feel confused or even have a headache after reading this article, don't worry you don't need to worry anymore now. Chubbyrawit will always be ready to assist you in making strategies, executing, monitoring and evaluating to reporting your social media ads including instagram stories ads.