Read andreza's statement below, who went on exchange in canada with roda mundo and met a very special person. “it is with great pleasure that i come to give my testimony about my exchange experience in canada in 2014. Firstly, i would like to thank roda mundo for all the support, before, during and after the exchange. Roda mundo is a serious company that serves us with professionalism and excellent quality of service. On march 6, 2014, i left são paulo for a big step in my life. I arrived in toronto on march 7th, with a temperature of approximately – 28°c degrees. It was on a friday, gray and cold. Exchange-in-canada-wheel-world-exchange exchange-in-canada-wheel-world-exchange ilsc school – exchange in canada on the 10th, another big challenge began, the first day of school at ilsc school . An excellent school recommended by roda mundo , both in terms of teaching quality and also in terms of coexistence with students from other countries.
Of course there are always many brazilians (laughs). Exchange-toronto-canada exchange-toronto-canada toronto is a magical city. Some say it's as big as são paulo, but it's not. We shouldn't compare, there are a lot of different things here. The routine was a challenge and a lot of fun, of course. Exchange-in-canada-wheel-world exchange-in-canada-wheel-world i could write several pages about my experience in canada, but it's not over yet. After a year of the Telegram Number Data course i remained in the country, met a special person and today is my husband. Today, i live in toronto and continue to learn a lot about the country's culture and this city. It was a gift from god for my life to live this experience of coming to canada for an exchange day . Kisses, andreza.” if your dream is also to do an exchange in canada , get in touch with roda mundo and we will help you.

Canada offers great value for money for those who want to study on vacation , for a short period starting from 2 weeks or stay for a longer period to study abroad . Read More : Exchange in Canada In Canada , English and French schools give the student a language test and place them in the room that best corresponds to their level. Those who already have a good level of English or French can also take a course in a specific area or study at a Canadian College . Read More : Study and Work in Canada Watch the video and discover more reasons to choose Canada as your next exchange destination! The student can also work during their exchange in Canada and to do so they must take a higher education course in Canada , which could be a technical course, a postgraduate degree or even an undergraduate degree. Roda Mundo Intercâmbio has been helping students to study in Canada since 2007. We can help you choose your course, college and also apply for a visa. We serve students who want to exchange in Canada, from all over Brazil.