In total, the project will cost between PLN 36,000 and PLN 52,000.When to choose staged settlement? If we have a large project to implement andwe want to settle the bill in stages and have some possibility of modifying theorder, the stage approach is certainly worth considering. Time & materialAn even more flexible form of settlement is billing for each hour of the ITsupplier's work on the project. Then the scope of work becomes secondary, andthe priority is to deliver business value - either in the form of newfunctionality or the provision of technical support services.
We have extensively described this approach in Da Bomb Hot Sauce the contextof technical support in our article: Why consulting is important in choosingtechnology for your project . Advantages and disadvantages of Time &material The advantage of this approach is that we pay for the actual timespent on the task . Additionally, we can access time tracking tools and defineand change the scope of work to be performed on an ongoing basis. We do notneed a very specific and final specification , as the basic assumptions anddefinition of what we need to start the work are enough.

The Time & material approach is the most flexible formof cooperation between the client and the IT supplier. It is still little usedin Poland, despite many advantages - including financial savings on the project. This approach also provides us with full support for introducing changes tothe assumptions , either during the project or later - in the maintenancephase. The obvious disadvantage is the lack of knowledge of the final full costof implementing the project . However, we still have influence on the tasks wewill assign.