Just as we write in this content, consumers are demanding an increasingly close and intimate dialogue with companies, with a view to transparency, traceability and in general, authenticity. For this reason it is essential to provide consumers with all the information and tools to find out as much as possible about the product or company. The strategy we are talking about is nothing new, as its purpose is to clarify the need for integration and omnichannel. internet of food To combine the four elements of the strategy, one cannot rely only on the buyer's journey and the customer journey.
With the related process, channel sale - it rather means exploiting knowledge in the field Food Marketing to operate in the best application of the tools and to offer the best end-to-end experience. I'll give you an example: Even at Food Marketing events, speakers and organizers web designs and development service often perceive a lack of technical and tacit knowledge regarding agri-food products, their raw materials, production, refinement and seasoning, control bodies and protection, regulations, etc. and consequently we notice that the focus is not so much on the product and what ennobles its characteristics (the valuable contents, remember?) but we are talking more about brand and image.

However, someone could tell me that brand policies are very important for companies in the agri-food sector, just look at the great cases of Nutella or Barilla... Of course! Brand enhancement policies are fundamental, as must be present all that design and graphic communication which in the symbolism of shapes and colors is already able to position the product in the minds of potential customers . However, what should not be thought is that brand policies are a large part of the valorisation work. We must remember that while the big brands operate on a mass logic, the vast majority of food companies