later, into a customer. we use to collect the data that we request from visitors in exchange for the value offer. If you haven't already, check out this text on how to design an effective landing page. Form It is the key piece for the conversion, without it all the rest of the assembled infrastructure loses its meaning (yes, the form is that critical). And that is why it must be made in line with the value offer.
What does "in tune with the value offer" mean? Simply, there must be a balance in the data requested. It is true that the more information obtained, the more complete the monitoring and analysis of the behavior of that visitor can be; but at the same time, it can [size=14.6667px]America Cell Phone Number List be tedious and even invasive to request a large amount of data. Conversion should not be risked for this. Using the appropriate software tools, it is possible to continue completing the user's profile in subsequent interactions, without hindering the conversion process. Check out our post on form design to learn more about this.

Thank You Page (TYP) As their name indicates, "thank you pages" are those that follow the landing pages and are responsible for presenting the downloadable offer, as well as thanking the newly converted lead for their interest in the material offered. Additionally, it can be used to: Start nurturing that lead with additional material. Set expectations about downloaded content. Suggest that you follow your company on social media. Offer the opportunity to share the offer with your contacts. In this article we talk more about thank you pages in an inbound campaign. Tracking email It is the means by which the lead who has just sent their data will receive the content.