Customer loyalty can be considered as "fuel" for business growth. It is made up of a customer's attachment to the product and to the business as a whole, not simply a passing lust for price - a competitive factor that any competitor can copy. .
However, if it is "cohesion", it must come from two sides. You must prove your loyalty before you can expect it in return. So what's the best and most direct way to demonstrate your brand's commitment and inspire customers to stay with you for the long haul? That is building loyalty programs.
Loyalty programs are the best way to show brand commitment
Loyalty programs are the best and most direct way to demonstrate a brand's commitment
If you want to create a great loyalty program for your brand, check out the ideas below with Subiz :
1. Using the Endowed Progress Effect
Endowed Progress Effect is understood as when customers feel they have completed a certain progress, they will want to continue to achieve the next goal.
Experts Joseph Nunes and Xavier Drèze conducted a study on 300 customers of a Job Function Email List local car wash. Each customer will be given a loyalty card. With each visit to the store, they get a stamp on the card and when the card is completed, they get a free car wash.

These 300 customers are divided into 2 groups:
The first group is given a blank card and they need 8 stamps to complete the card.
The second group received a card with 10 points, but 2 of them were stamped.
Although they both needed 8 stamps to complete the card, the results of the 2 groups showed a clear difference: The second group had a completion rate of 34%, while the first group was only 19%.
What does this mean for your loyalty program? Give the client a head start (or give them "belief" that they have one) to motivate them to accomplish other goals in your program.