That education plays a fundamental role in ensuring that citizens have decent and more humane living conditions. In this sense, there is a need for increasingly specialized education for people with disabilities, which will require a greater number of prepared professionals. It is understood, therefore, that the implementation of an Inclusive Special Education system is not a simple task. For Kailer and Papi (2014, p. 13), “[…] it is not enough to put students in school, it is necessary […] to respond to the educational needs that each student presents”, in other words, there is no point in the school having physical resources , but being lacking in human resources. 3.1 PEDAGOGIST’S SPECIALIZATION IN INCLUSIVE SPECIAL EDUCATION In the.
National Education Plan on Special Education, there is a concern with the training of teachers to work in Special Education. For Pimenta and Cavalaro (2017, p. 32): LDB 9394/96 reinforces the importance of specialization in its Phone Number List article 59th item III – teachers with adequate specialization at secondary or higher level, for specialized service, as well as regular education teachers trained to integrate these students into common classes. In this way, Special Education is no longer conceived as a parallel or segregated educational system, but as a set of resources that the regular school must have to meet the diversity of its students (GLAT; PLETSCH and FONTES, 2007, p. 349) . This set of educational resources also includes the training of education professionals and accessibility conditions.

As for human resources, this study addresses the training of pedagogues with a focus on specialization in Inclusive Special Education. It has often been pointed out as one of the main barriers to the transformation of Inclusive Education policy into effective pedagogical practices, the precarious training of teachers and other educational agents to deal with students with significant cognitive, psychomotor, emotional and/or sensory problems in complexity of a regular class (GLAT; PLETSCH and FONTES, 2007, p. 351). In short, specialization in Special Education and Inclusive Education should provide Education professionals with improved knowledge, not only in physical aspects, but also in aspects of posture, thoughts and attitudes.