Are you stuck in your writing process and want to improve? This is a situation that many freelance writers face at some point in their career. Therefore, practicing, trying new writing methods and exercising your mind are among the main recommendations. Muscles are not the only ones that need to be exercised, your writing skills too, so we share some exercises to be a better freelance writer . 1. Read, read and read Comics, copies on social networks, movie scripts, books and blogs will help you compare styles, detect errors and improvements that you can apply to your work . This is where the importance of diverse reading comes from and not closing yourself to a single type of writing. We also recommend reading about different topics , since this can give you a broader overview, to talk about other topics, have a wide vocabulary and learn about other worlds. Another way to exercise your writing mind is by comparing internet texts with texts in printed books from years ago , it will be an interesting experiment that will help you formulate other ideas. Read also: 6 habits to succeed as a freelance writer 2. Learn new words every day Increasing your vocabulary and repertoire of words will make your texts stand out and not only by including different or far-fetched words, but by being unique texts that stand out from the rest . In this way, you will be able to create diverse texts that stand out and look different.
That is, if you write about two different topics, your writing style should adapt to them and not be the same as each other. You can create a diary in which you write down the new words you have learned or read every day, as if it were a dictionary . Another way is to create a glossary divided by topics of interest, so that you don't get lost among so many letters. 3. Practice and create your own texts After having read thousands of texts different from those you normally write, it is time to put it into practice. As? Writing your own texts (that are not part of your work), as an exercise . It is about writing Job Function Email List a text with one of the new topics you have read and implementing a different style, as well as new words and learning. With this you can change or improve your writing style, and it will even be useful to expand your work portfolio . 4. Share your projects Now that you have a broader portfolio, it's time to share it . And if you don't have an updated portfolio, it will be very helpful to create one on a website, on a page like Behance, or in a personalized presentation. This in order to show your work to the world and if you are lucky, get more job opportunities.

Another way to share your work can be through a personal blog, in which you express your thoughts, writings, freelance projects and other interests around writing . In this way, you will be able to attract the attention of a new audience and potential clients. Receive and share feedback Receive and share feedback Receiving comments from people about your work can help you correct errors and improve your freelance projects . Likewise, you can share your knowledge and advice with others, through your personal blog or on a social network (preferably LinkedIn) and form a community of writers. On the other hand, it will also be a good exercise to share your opinion about the work of others and help them grow . This is mutual help between freelance writers , which, in turn, is a good way to improve your skills. Correct your mistakes Another of the most useful exercises to improve as a freelance writer is correcting old works and projects . Dust off those works that you no longer dare to read and edit them, write them in a better way and give them a new chance. You can also compare them with your current jobs and identify your development and evolution in your writing.