Whether to promote a new product, attract traffic to your website or make your brand known, being present on the networks is essential . Because it is the place where your potential clients stay for hours and approaching them through this medium with a good strategy will be a great success for your business. According to a report by Hootsuite , 84% of people with Internet access use social networks. But, to boost your business and get sales, it is not enough to have an open profile and publish in the feed from time to time. It is crucial to have proper planning and a good content strategy. Therefore, the best way to know if you are using your networks correctly is through a social media audit . A social media audit is a strategic process that consists of collecting both internal information (from your project) and external information (from the competition and the market), with the aim of determining the competitive situation your company is in.
In fact, it is one of the things a community manager does when managing a new account. This audit is what will later allow us to create our social media strategy. Advantages of doing a network audit To convince you of the importance of carrying out this step before creating a network strategy, we will tell you the main advantages of doing a social media audit : Know our competitive situation. Know which publications work best and which ones don't work . Study our competition . Identify possible sales opportunities. Be aware of our weaknesses , to try to reverse them. Choose the networks that have the best performance Phone Number List for our brand . Help define the actions that we will carry out on social networks. How to do a network audit? Now that we know what an audit is and the benefits it has for our brand, we are going to delve into its development. To do this, we put together a series of steps to follow so that no part of the process is missed.

Create a template for network audit Before starting, we need a template to enter the data we are going to analyze. No matter how good your memory is, you can't do a social media audit in your head. Additionally, it is important that all team members can access the data for tracking and comparisons. Here is a brief summary of the basic points to include in your social media audit checklist : Profile information (name and URL) Post Frequency Follower count Referral traffic Network-specific metrics For any type of metric, it is key to include the percentage change from the previous month and the previous year . The problem with just comparing the previous month's numbers is that we don't take seasonal changes into account . For example, retail stores typically see a large increase in social media activity during November and December. These results may influence the comparison with January of the following year. Another useful tip is to create a “central” tab in the spreadsheet. Then a tab for each individual social network, instead of having them all in one. We recommend this as not all social networks have the same metrics, making it easier to separate them.