Ione Belarra are no longer in reserve. Pedro Sánchez is already president of the Government and his until now training partner to run in the elections is already his vice president and minister. Leaving Podemos out of the Government and institutions is going to take its toll on the Government. The first confrontation is just around the corner, they are the General State Budgets for 2024 , whose preliminary draft the Government intends to present shortly, once the spending ceiling has been approved. The leader of Podemos, Ione Belarra , still has a presence in the Congress of Deputies as she has her deputy certificate, like her other four colleagues from the purple party. The rest were excluded before the 23J elections in the agreements reached with Yolanda Díaz. And among them, Irene Montero or Pablo Echenique.
But after Sánchez's decision that there is no representative of Podemos in the new Executive, he is already making them put themselves in the worst position, including removing their five deputies from the Sumar group. Belarra and Email Data her people have few cartridges left to maneuver, only five in Congress. But they seem to be clear that with the little they have they will do everything possible to make people pay for so much betrayal. For the moment, the general secretary of Podemos has already sent her first notice to navigators and she has done so from the Congress of Deputies: the Podemos deputies are going to make full use of their "political autonomy." by Taboolayou may like Pablo Iglesias skirts the law with his bar-restaurant "only for reds" The beginning of this autonomy will be the negotiation of the General State Budgets for 2024, which Sánchez had already closed with the leader of Sumar, Yolanda Díaz.

This request to meet separately from Sumar can also be interpreted as a veiled threat not to assume that Podemos is going to vote 'yes' to all the Government's proposals. In case there was any doubt, Belarra has said emphatically so that Sánchez and Díaz know that Podemos "will continue to use their votes and their voice." The bases, in voting, have endorsed this new strategy of "political autonomy" against the PSOE and Sumar. BELARRA ASSURES THAT WE CAN GIVEN ITS VOTE TO THE INVESTITURE “FREE” We can call it having given Sánchez his vote “for free” Belarra regrets having given Sánchez her vote “for free” The general secretary of Podemos recalled that her party gave its favorable vote to the investiture of Pedro Sánchez "free of charge", without there being a "programmatic or government agreement" in return. The reason for this positive vote was to comply with the agreement closed with Sumar for the general elections of 23J. But given how everything has transpired (they have been left out of the Government), Podemos will now use its autonomy to "deepen the feminist and economic social transformations" that began in the previous legislature, and these transformations will be carried out "with our votes and our voice."