We do not know all the mayors who have had the jurisdiction of Santiago del Teide, since the municipal archive was lost in a fire that occurred around 1910, no minutes or office books are preserved prior to that date, so it is only from that year when We have the exact dates of possession and cessation, although the minutes from 1912 to 1923 and from 1938 to 1944 are also missing. However, thanks to documents consulted in other local, insular and regional archives, both public and private, we have been able to prepare a quite extensive list of people who held both the municipal or royal mayor's office since 1548, or the major or ordinary mayor's office since 1663, both in the Old Regime to the 19th century, and the later constitutional mayor's office. The jurisdiction of these mayors has not changed over time, as it has always covered the same territorial jurisdiction.
As a curiosity, of the 81 incumbent mayors that we know of, as many of them repeated in office, the record for permanence in the mayor's office is held by Mr. Pancracio Socas García, for more than 15 consecutive Email Marketing List years, followed by: Mr. Rafael González Pérez (almost 14 years), Mr. Juan García Dorta (13 years, in three stages), Mr. Juan Damián Gorrín Ramos (12 years), Mr. Agustín Rodríguez Guanche (more than 10 years), Mr. José Trujillo Hernández (about 10 years , in four stages), Mr. José Antonio Navarro Díaz (almost 9 years), Mr. José Forte González (about 7 years, in three stages), Mr. Pedro Acevedo Bisshop (almost 6 years), etc.

Regarding the place of birth, we know at least 10 mayors who were not born in this municipality: Mr. Antonio González Velázquez (from El Tanque), Mr. Lorenzo Dorta del Castillo (from Los Silos), Mr. Agustín Ferrer and González (from Guía de Isora) and Ms. Concepción García Suárez (from La Laguna); in addition to Mr. Nicoloso de Ponte y Cuevas, Mr. Manuel Antonio Ramos, Mr. José Antonio de Acosta, Mr. Francisco Olavarrieta, Mr. Antonio Rodríguez Montana and Mr. Pedro Acevedo Bisshop, whose place of birth is unknown at the moment .