Sergio García Ramírez in "Mañana quit": "It is useless to try to get a smoker to give up cigarettes for fear of terrible future suffering." (Freepik) Yoli (Noisily arranges six chairs and a double sofa. From time to time she picks up a piece of paper from the floor.) —So much garbage, Good God! How they swallow candy! They're already big!... They destroyed an entire kiosk!... If I put a little stand at the entrance, I'm sure I'll earn more than working my ass off cleaning every hour... And here they stuck a piece of gum, how disgusting! She (she takes a spatula out of her pocket, she peels off the gum and angrily rearranges the chairs again.) Let them fix it however they can! (She leaves, slamming the door again.) (The lighting goes up and the two actors who act as coordinators and the six who participate in the collective therapy group to stop smoking appear. The first to enter is Tito. He sits on the double sofa, reviewing papers in a portfolio. Take out a pad and pen.) Tito (To himself.) —What a mess those of last night's group left us! (Mabel enters without hiding a tone of .
anger in her voice, as well as in her attitudes and movements. She doubts which chair to sit in.) Mabel —No, not herShe moves a chair noisily and pretends to sit down, but she doesn't.) Not here either... Tito (Friendly.) —Good afternoon, Mabel. How is she doing? Mabel (Correcting him.) —Good night! It's already eight. Or not? (Determined, she sits awkwardly in the place furthest from the coordinator) I'm very well. Thank you. There is an WhatsApp Number List uncomfortable silence until Fabián and Vanina shyly enter, holding hands. They greet and sit next to Tito. Fabián —Good afternoon... Good afternoonVanina —Good afternoon... Good afternoon... Tito (Looking at Mabel out of the corner of his eye and emphasizing the correction with a smile.) —Good evening. It's already night. Or not? Fabián (Smiling shylyYes, of course, but since it's still daylight... Vanina (without letting go of Fabián's hand and looking at him in love) —Yes, how beautiful summer is, isn't it? (Almost simultaneously, Luis and Graciela enter. They greet with broad smiles and sit in the two remaining chairs.) Graciela (To Tito.) —Shall we begin? Tito —Yes, of course. It's already five past eight. Graciela (Reciting to the group as a starting formula.) —Good evening everyone. My name is Graciela and my partner is Tito. We are the coordinators of this new Tobacco meeting . For those who are coming for the first time and for those who already know our system, I repeat that this is a non-profit institution. Both .

smokers who are trying to quit smoking and those who have already stopped smoking and need support to continue abstinence can participate. She (she looks at Tito and shakes her head, allowing him to speak.) Tito —It was necessary to clarify that we are not psychologists, nor are we going to interpret anything that is stated here. We are only ex-smokers trained to lead these meetings. When it's your turn to speak, say your name so we can identify ourselves, are we here?... Well, now we can start. If anyone wants to speak, please raise your hand... (tense silence.) Who wants to start?... (more silence.) Mabel (Raises her hand firmly, looks at Tito, who gives her an affirmative nod) —Well... obviously I'll start... (Grouchy.) My name is Mabel and I don't really know what I do. here... I have been coming for more than three months and there is no point... I thought they would give me a solution, that they would tell me how to stop smoking and that's it... (Brief and tense moment.) I already practically know all the coordinators, but none of them have been able to give me an answer... (Oscar enters a little nervous. He greets with a gesture, settles down and sits in the last free chair. Mabel looks at him disgusted and continues after a short pause.) Every time I return home I wonder why I come if I continue smoking . During the day I repeat to myself a thousand times that I will not return to Tabaco again, no, that it is a waste of time... But, when the time approaches, I don't know why I .