How it's working? • first, we create a persona by conductingan in-depth interview with the employer, allowing us to create a profile of theright, desired candidate; • then we create non-standard job advertisements,resulting from the actual needs of the employer; • we do not wait, we take theinitiative ourselves - we actively look for candidates - industry and socialnetworking sites come to our aid; • we select the right candidate based on thecriteria resulting from the needs of the potential employer; we rely on honestyand openness during talks with the Employer; • we conduct an interview based ona free approach to interviewing the candidate; simulation of typical situationsinvolving solving everyday problems at a potential employer, aimed atapproximating the structures of the working environment; • feedback after theinterview with the candidate.
Dear Candidate and Employer - let us get to Canada B2C Email List know your needseven better. We look forward to your comments and questions. Have you receivedan invitation for an interview? Way to go. It means that the potential employerliked your professional profile. At this point, it's up to you whether you geta job or not. What to pay attention to before the interview? Appearance Youroutfit is the first thing the interviewer will notice. Dress appropriately forthe company's business culture. If we have an interview at the bank, we wearsmart, formal attire. If you are applying to the advertising or IT industry,you can allow yourself some slack. A few factors, however, are unchangeable -clothes should be clean, fresh and ironed, and shoes should shine . Find outabout the company Before the interview, check the available information aboutthe company you are applying to.

What does it do, what is its competition, what products orservices does it offer. Browse the company website, social media, ask Google.Re-read the advertisement for which you applied, remind yourself of the dutiesand requirements contained in it. Think about how your professional experiencefits into the employer's profile. Prepare answers to the most frequently askedquestions Try to be prepared and freely talk about your experiences andprofessional successes, why you want to change your job, what problems youfaced and how you solved them. Avoid saying "we", try to say"I". After all, one person will get the job, not the whole team. Tryto talk in an interesting way, and not to use standard formulas.