The government have resulted in economic activity in the country gradually returning to the level close to pre-COVID times. -19 Especially domestic tourism from government measures to stimulate domestic tourism. This has a positive effect as reflected in the production index of important industries such as the oil refining industry which expanded by 100%. 8.45 compared to the same period last year. The same is true for the automotive industry, where production has returned to increase. The production index shrank 2.24 percent from the same period last year. which is a contraction that continues to decrease Corresponds to imports of raw materials and semi-finished products. (excluding gold) October 2020 shrank 1.63 percent. Compared to the same period last year This trend has decreased from a contraction of 22.44 percent in May 2020, reflecting an increase in production close to normal conditions in the previous year.
As a result, the Industrial Production Index in October contracted by 0.54 percent when compared to the same period last year. It is expected that increased imports of raw materials for production will result in the Industrial Production Telegram Number Data Index expanding in November. And as a result, the industrial economy will expand again in 2021. Mr. Thongchai further said that the main industries that are expanding are increasing. Most of them are mainly consumer industries, such as the food industry. (excluding sugar) expanded from the same period last year by 1.10 percent. The electrical and electronic appliances industry expanded from the same period last year by 4.50 percent, and the rubber glove industry expanded from the same period last year. before 30.28 percent, while the main industries that have begun to recover and expand again, such as the iron and steel industry Expanded from the same period last year by 9.20 percent. following the recovery of continuing industries such as the construction industry and the metal can packaging industry The main industry that continued to expand well in October was petroleum.

Increased from the same period last year by 8.45 percent due to refineries and some companies stopping for major maintenance last year. But this year there was maintenance in only some places and normal production has begun. Electronic parts and circuit boards Expanded from the same period last year by a percentage point. 6.07Due to the increasing demand for electronic components worldwide. The production and delivery of products has been accelerated after the situation abroad was uncertain due to the outbreak of the COVID-19 virus. Processing and preserving fruits and vegetables.