If you have certain discounts on products or offer free shipping, you can attach information to the image to express this. How does this type of ad help you? Promote multiple products in one ad; You can promote products by category as in the website or according to other criteria (discount campaigns for different products, seasonal products, etc.); The displayed prices are synchronized with those on the website, updating them automatically at a time interval set by you; Remarketing; You can show your products to people who have already viewed them but not purchased them; You can target users who added them to the cart but did not complete the order; You can suggest similar products to people who have purchased a product or offer them a product/service similar to what they have purchased in the past; Increased performance; Average ad-run costs.
decrease and conversions increase by up to 30%, but this is not a general rule; The product itself, the industry, the competition, the budget and other factors that can influence the results matter a lot; If you have discounts or offer free shipping, you can attach this information Phone Number Data to the image without having to change the banner. How do you start selling through catalog sales? For this type of campaign you need a list of products from the website to upload to Facebook. This can be done manually or automated. If you list manually, you will add the product information (price, availability, title, description, images, etc.). If you want to change something, you have to go to the product list, search for that product and update its information. In the case of an automated list, it is made by a developer, and the product data will be updated according to the information on the website.

Manual Variant The advantage of a manual list is that you can add all the products without the help of a developer. If you want to update them, you can do it yourself without having to call someone. You can test different prices, titles and descriptions to see what works best. you have hundreds of products you don't have the time to individually test different prices, descriptions, titles and images for each product. Also, if you have a lot of products it will take a long time to add them all. Facebook recommends using the manual option only if you have less than 50 products. Automatic variant The advantage of an automatic list is that it extracts all the products from the website and no longer requires manual intervention . In addition, if the product is out of stock or the price has changed, the list automatically retrieves this information.