The regulation comes ahead of an EU regulation in the pipeline that predicts the merger of trading activities and everything that happens after a sale is completed: clearing, settlement and registration. According to Cinco Días , this will be the biggest change in the history of the Stock Exchange, which will also make all post-trading processes cheaper and faster. COVID-19 cases in ICU drop to October levels . Cases of coronavirus infection have fallen by 28% this month and the overall number of hospitalized patients in critical condition is at October levels: there are 1,655 COVID-19 patients, according to El País . The media reports that 16.8% of the critical beds in Spain are occupied by people with coronavirus, although it is very unequal between communities: Galicia, for example, has 3% when Madrid registers 35%.
The country is already moving towards herd immunity, vaccinating the population between 50 and 59 years of age. Next, people under 40 years of age could be vaccinated as a single block, distancing themselves from the vaccination strategy that the Government had established. Vaccinating young people first may make sense: Several experts endorse Indonesia's pragmatic approach . A double dose of the Pfizer vaccine would be effective against the Indian variant of COVID-19, according to Public Health Indonesia Phone Number List England . The B.1.617 variant of COVID-19 that is ravaging India can be combated with the supply of 2 doses of the Pfizer vaccine, despite the threat it appears to pose to the effectiveness of the candidates. According to Public Health England, the vaccine developed by Pfizer and BioNTech is 88% effective in preventing moderate and severe cases of COVID-19 2 weeks after receiving the full 2-injection regimen. The tests carried out with the AstraZeneca vaccine, for their part, were 60% effective against this variant of the disease.

Experts explain why the mRNA technology that revolutionized COVID-19 vaccines could be the answer to incurable diseases, heart attacks and even snake bites: "The possibilities are endless" . 3 Wuhan lab workers were sick enough to be hospitalized in November 2019, which has led to reconsideration of the theory that COVID-19 originated in a laboratory . The theory that the new coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 could have escaped from a laboratory is once again on the table. A new investigation has revealed that 3 of the workers at the Wuhan laboratory, where the virus was identified in December 2019, had been sick with COVID-19 symptoms since the fall of the same year. To date, the theory had been discarded by the World Health Organization (WHO) after traveling to the country to investigate the origins of the coronavirus . According to Liang Wannian, an expert at the Chinese Health Commission, it may have originated from zoonotic transmission, but an animal host has not yet been identified.