The Government presents its Spain 2050 strategy mid-morning . This is the first milestone of the Foresight Office, whose constitution aroused so much controversy when the legislature started. It was Pedro Sánchez's Chief of Staff, the controversial Iván Redondo, who was the first to announce the event that will take place today and that will launch a three-decade strategy. Accompanied by his four vice presidents, the vice president of Foresight of the European Commission and senior officials of the Ibex 35 (although not all, as pointed out in Vozpópuli ), Pedro Sánchez will outline the main lines of an "exercise" at the Reina Sofía Auditorium in Madrid, Redondo himself detailed in a recent forum in El País , which was carried out by a team of researchers, graduates and doctoral students with an average age of 35.
When the coalition Government was formed in January of last year, the creation of a prospective office did not go unnoticed in the media. Some of the issues that this new entity would address would be mobility, emptied Spain, climate change, the new economy, digitalization and the automation of employment. Having a foresight unit is not an exclusive Paraguay Phone Number List issue for Spain: international organizations already have their own, and other countries such as Canada, the United Kingdom or France also have their own. The challenges that the world faces from different disciplines - work, economy, climate, education and even driving sectors for Spain such as tourism - have already attracted the attention of consulting firms and business foundations.

10 years of 15-M: the movement that shook the foundations of the system and sowed the seed of the new politics With this, the Spain 2050 strategy will not be the first in these terms to be signed in the country, although it will be the first with the official letterhead of the Government and that marks the guidelines for future public policies. Although there are only hours left until the details of the Government's strategy are known, this is how some experts and consultants imagine the country and the world in 29 years, according to various reports. Climate change and energy A protest against climate change. A protest against climate change.Reuters Madrid with the temperature of Marrakech.