本帖最后由 papryakter017 于 2024-2-14 18:29 编辑
Big movements in the last few days at Google : the Free Booking Links have arrived . In fact, for a few days now Google has been allowing hotels to publish a link to their Booking Engine for free within the Google Hotel Ads ecosystem . The real news concerns the way to access this advertising platform (let's not call it metasearch). Until now, in order to display your website, availability and price for a specific date, it was mandatory to activate advertising campaigns through the Google Hotel Ads platform . From today, in addition to the paid functionality, Google will show the direct link to the Booking Engine in the "All options" section for free, at no cost . This is an example of a hotel that has activated campaigns on Google Hotel Ads and at the same time Google has activated the link in the section below for free .
Free links Booking Engine Google Hotel To activate this functionality you must have correctly claimed the hotel 's Google+ MyBusiness listing and have a connectivity partner certified by Google . Usually this is the Booking Engine and all the main Italian companies are already South Africa Telemarketing Data configured for integration. The link is completely free and it is not necessary to have specific campaigns active on Google Hotel Ads. For many hotels, Google is also testing the Book On Google system , the booking interface in which the user books a room directly from Google , without visiting the hotel website or the Booking Engine. For more details on Book On Google, I refer you to this video of mine with all the details .

This recent innovation of Free Booking Links allows the hotel to receive organic traffic towards the Booking Engine and this aspect can certainly help the hotel to sell rooms. But this "organic" part is very hidden: for searches done on Google it is necessary to click on the View Other Rates link before you can get to the Free Link. How many users will click to learn more and how many will stop at the sponsored results? Free Booking Link Google Hotel Ads To conclude, these initiatives from Google are welcome , but let's always remember that there are no free lunches. Somewhere, sooner or later, there is always someone who pays. With this move, Google is decisively entering the world of hotels , effortlessly acquiring enormous quantities of data on the performance of accommodation facilities.