Pedro Sánchez, who has declared almost half a million euros and 161,000 euros of liabilities. But, far from his current position, in 2015 Iglesias lived in a 60-square-meter apartment worth 192,000 euros in the popular Madrid neighborhood of Vallecas. House of Pablo Iglesias in Vallecas. House of Pablo Iglesias in Vallecas.Telecinco The politician lived in a 60 square meter apartment in Vallecas since he was 13 years old , inherited by his mother from his great aunt with a value of 192,000 euros. Now, a property with these characteristics would cost between 500 euros and 800 euros per month , according to Idealista .
From 85 to 495 euros: this is what the cheapest rental apartments in each province of Spain are like inside But he could already be moving forward with what his next steps would be: "Before, the image of the politician was that he lived in a glass palace or in large chalets , now with Podemos we are seeing that any neighbor can become president of the Namibia Phone Number List country. We are democratizing politics," he tells Ana Rosa, in a report showing his house in Vallecas published by Cuatro . He also had a cabin in his name on a plot of 1,600 square meters to "go and rest" - with a cadastral value of 13,814 euros. Pablo Iglesias, leader of Unidas Podemos, in an archive photograph. Pablo Iglesias, leader of Unidas Podemos, in an archive photograph.

According to Idealista, Iglesias had bought a small ecological cabin on a 1,600 square meter plot in Casavieja, Ávila, where he spent his vacations. Best websites to reserve and rent rural houses this summer looking for social distancing Which, although it is not as big as your next purchase, has a small pool, barbecue, a place to store tools and 3 water tanks. And he kept a Honda Scooter motorcycle that cost him 2,670 euros in 2012. Honda Renovated by a Dacia Sandero Stepway for 10,000 euros that she acquired in 2017, the year in which she began her relationship with Irene Montero, current Minister of Equality. Dacia Sandero Stepway by Pablo Iglesias Dacia Sandero Stepway by Pablo IglesiasDacia In 2018, the couple half-bought a 268-square-meter villa on square-meter plot foreuros. Pablo Iglesias and Irene Montero, excited after the investiture session that has made Pedro Sánchez president of the Government.