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The reception that Kwai has had in Latin America and particularly in Mexico for a year has been notable: more and more users are willing to consume and generate videos , with comedy videos being the most preferred. As a way of thanking them and continuing to encourage them, the platform launched a contest called #FunFriends during the month of March and just this week it published the list of winners. Let's get to know who they are and what they came up with to stand out in this in-app activity.
#FunFriends Winners
The contest, which took effect on March 11, consisted of Iran Email List uploading three or more videos with a friend to the platform in which both had to do something funny , it could be a game, a challenge, a tag questions and answers, among other options motivated by creativity. In these publications they had to use, as a requirement, the hashtag #FunFriends.
The five winners
Jairito Solano . This Venezuelan 's video was a kind of prank dedicated to catching a person who constantly takes food out of the refrigerator and then denies it. It got 11.3K views and more than 250 comments.
Harold1978. This user also made a joke, but it was focused on showing that men are also afraid of rats. He achieved views and at least 3500 comments.
Vacilon of Humor. The publication of this or these participants was more planned, they waited for it to be night to scare passersby with a devil costume. They reached 267.2 K views and around 4900 comments. It is worth highlighting that this account has been dedicated, since its inception, to entertainment.

Ronald Valles. This comedian , who already has 1 million followers on the platform, prepared a video that captivated everyone. In it he recreates a super uncomfortable situation in which anyone can find themselves involved when their stomach hurts and they get into a car with their partner and friends. It got 30.2K views and more than 530 comments.
Maria Camila Montilla. This Colombian stood out with her video, in which she pretended that an ex-boyfriend was asking her for forgiveness while she was talking to her current partner. It achieved 16.2K views and 214 comments.