本帖最后由 lakihkhatun1234 于 2024-2-15 16:28 编辑
The national deputy of the PSOE Miguel González has stated today that “between photo and photo” of the PP of Castilla-La Mancha at the doors of public hospital centers in the region, the Government of Emiliano García-Page “opens hospitals, invests in health technology and the number of professionals increases.
Today in opposition you can take photos in public health because there is a government that is committed to public health, because it is advancing Namibia Email List inpublic hospital projects like the one in Toledo that Cospedal paralyzed and President Page inaugurated,” the socialist deputy explained in press conference at the regional headquarters of the PSOE.
González recalled the “last photo” of the PP at the doors of a hospital center in Toledo and pointed out that, since that moment, “550 days have passed” and “in this time investment in Castilla-La Mancha has increased in public health in almost 2,000 million.
Thus, he has stressed that "between the photos and the photos that the PP takes in the hospitals, public health with the Government of President García-Page advances with the increase in public investment, with new hospitals, more technology and more health personnel". This way, he pointed out that "we are going to continue with the pace of support for public health, making great efforts.

And he added that the photos that the 'popular' take in the opposition "then become cuts when they govern", something that he pointed out that "we know in Castilla-La.On the other hand, González has stressed that the regional president, Emiliano García-Page, "has always been clear in defending fair financing for Castilla-La Mancha whoever governs.We defend having better resources, better services and we demand this from any government,” said the national deputy, who added that “it draws our attention that in the face of Page's proposal to defend the territory we always have the constant insult of the PP.”, he pointed out that the PP candidate for the Board, suffered “a new setback” on this occasion by the president of Andalusia, Moreno, “from his own party”, who has agreed with what he said. that García-Page defends for the interests of Castilla-La Mancha.