The awards ceremony of the I 'Campo de ' Playwriting Contest marked the beginning last night of the A total of companies from all over Spain and actors of the stature of María , will take the stage of the historic Patio de Comedias in the coming weeks. Tomorrow, Friday, July 29, the La Company will stage the play 'The Battle of the Absents', directed by Paco de la Zaranda, which constitutes a stark allegory of today.
On Saturday, July, it will be the Ron Lalá Company, one of the regulars at the festival, that will make the public enjoy the work 'Villa y Marte', a reinvention Saudi Arabia Email List ofthe small genre in a key that combines humor, live music , theater and . The pull of this theater company is undeniable and as of yesterday, there are no longer tickets available to attend this show.
As a prelude to the Theater Festival, last night the awards for the First Playwriting Contest on the Rural World 'Campo de Calatrava' were awarded, organized by the Patio de Comedias Friends Association of Torralba and the Campo de Development Association, with the collaboration of the Provincial Council of Ciudad Real and the City Council of Torralba de . A total of 64 texts from Spain and 8 other European and American countries have participated in this contest, which aims to stimulate the creation of theatrical texts and publicize texts that address the reality of rural Spain.
The first prize went to the work 'Pan Duro' by Jesús Asier Aparicio from Palencia, while Tania Castillo Ponce, a resident of Tenochtitlán (Mexico), who was not able to attend the event but did participate through a video, won the second prize for his work 'Alto Stop'. A second prize was also awarded to José Vicente Gómez, resident in Almagro and author of .

The mayor of Torralbeña, María Antonia Álvaro, has indicated that the Theater and Puppet Festival “is our annual event par excellence and is characterized by its versatility, the great variety of theatrical genres and the inclusion of puppet performances, a theatrical genre that "It deserves to be taken into account and for which we have been betting since the beginning of this festival.
Álvaro recalled that this year the Patio de Award will go to the actress María , “for her career and contribution to the performing arts”, and he is confident that the festival will be a success one more year, continue attracting spectators and continue establishing itself as one of the reference cultural events in our province, in our region and in our country for all lovers of theater and .The mayor congratulated all the participants in the Playwriting Contest and encouraged them to continue writing because their texts "are the basis of the works that will later reach the stage and that make us enjoy so much.