Basic Book Promotion on Social Media (Without Spending a Penny) Lauren VLAUREN V Facebook, Tweet, LinkedIn, Pin Pretty much any promotion or marketing guide you read—not to mention popular and conventional wisdom—will insist that you absolutely need to have a social media presence to make it as a self-published author. But it’s difficult to know where to start. Let’s take a look at some basic tips, tools, and guidelines for how to make your book accessible and relevant on social media.
Getting Started With Social Media To get started with a social Singapore Email List media presence for your book there are a few questions you have to ask yourself about your audience, your intentions, and how your current social media presence will 1. Where Is My Audience, and Where Do I Want To Be? You don’t have to spread yourself thin by trying to curate a presence on every single social platform out there! Unless you want social media marketing to be your full-time job, pick two or three platforms and focus your efforts on those. How do you pick those platforms? Consider two things – first, figure out where your audience is.

The best, most impressive, most expensive Facebook campaign imaginable won’t mean anything if your target readers aren’t on Facebook. You probably already have a good idea of where your target audience hangs out, but if you need help one of the easiest ways to find them is to find your fellow authors! Identify a couple of comparable authors in your genre or field and check to see what social platforms they seem to be having the most success with.