setting KPIs for lead acquisition?"Therefore, in this article,I don't know how to think about the number of leads acquired and how to increase them.I don't know what indicators to follow to achieve my goalsI don't know how to manage progress toward acquisition.For those who have such concerns, we will share a KPI management template that is useful for lead acquisition.The first half of the article will introduce how to use templates, and the second half will explain why and how to set KPIs when acquiring leads.If you do not know how to set or review KPIs, please read until the end.
A must-see for those who want to grow their business efficiently with web phone number list marketing! /table of contentsA scene from a certain sales promotion meeting How to use “simple template” to manage lead acquisition KPIsFirst of all, what is the meaning of confirmed lead acquisition and KPI?Why setting KPIs is important for lead acquisitionManage lead acquisition with KPIsTips for setting KPIs for lead acquisitionLet’s start managing KPIs for the number of leads acquired.A scene from a certain sales promotion meetingFirst, let's take a look at a certain company's sales promotion meeting.Whether or not you manage lead acquisition using KPIs can make all the difference.Are your meetings like the former?Promotional meetings without KPIsBoss: “Subordinate A, Subordinate B. We would like to increase the number of business meetings to 30 per month in three months. Could you please get more new leads?”Subordinate A: “We had 10 business meetings this month… B-kun’s own media has been doing well lately, isn’t it?”Subordinate B: ``It's true that I've been receiving more inquiries from the media lately, so I'll try my best to increase the number of articles and leads.''Boss: “I’m looking forward to it! I asked for it!”Promotion meeting with KPIsDiagram of an ideal meeting where lead acquisition is managed using KPIs ・

Woman standing: ``We need 400 more leads.'' ・Man on the left: ``It's difficult with the current numbers.'' ・Man with glasses on the right: ``We need to increase our advertising budget.'' Please give me an estimate.”Boss: “Subordinate A, Subordinate B. We would like to increase the number of business meetings to 30 per month in three months. Could you please get more new leads?”Subordinate A: ``The number of business negotiations this month was 10, so I'm adding 20 more.Currently, the lead conversion rate is 5%, so if we were to increase the number of business negotiations by 20, we would need 400 more leads.In other words. 600 in total. B-kun's own media has been doing well lately, isn't it?"Subordinate B: “The number of leads we have acquired through owned media this month is just under 100. If we were to accumulate the number of leads to the equivalent of 600, we would need about 100,000 sessions, so it is not realistic. I think I need a million.