The key to good open rates are, the timing of the email, having a good subject line and how trustworthy the sender is. The latter is critical to your open rates. If the recipient doesn't trust the sender or know them/know of them, they wont even get as far as the subject line, let alone opening the email. Click through rates - often referred to as CTRs, these report the percentage of recipients who click on the links in the email and go to the respective pages. This can vary from link to link depending on how many you have included in your email.
The important thing here is to analyse which links receive better CTRs than others and is there anything you can do in future campaigns to address this. The most important thing is that the link works and it takes the recipient to the page they are supposed to go to. I can't tell Anguilla Email List you how many times that I've come across broken links or links that go to some random page unconnected with the copy in the email. There is a simple equation here as well; poor links = loss of your credibility.

Always check the links before sending out your campaign. Unsubscribe - all email service providers are legally obliged to provide an Unsubscribe link. Somebody who unsubscribed from your email is saying that they don't want to receive any more marketing emails from you and are requesting to be removed from your list. Right!! Not always! It could be that they want to stop receiving a certain type of email or they only want to receive email communications from you on a monthly basis, not weekly.