Blue is also widely used in healthcare categories whichtypically use blue in their branding to communicate quality, reliability andsafety. Psychology of the color purple In color psychology, purple is a noblecolor. The color meaning for purple is connected to power, nobility, luxury,wisdom and spirituality. However, it is better to avoid using it too much as itcan cause a feeling of frustration. Some perceive its excessive use as arrogant.You can add purple elements to your website design on the free shipping bar, inyour logo, and as a branding color in your graphics. Purple is a trademark usedby Yahoo . As you browse the site, you'll notice that purple is an accentcolor. On Yahoo, the logo, main navigation words, and icons use the colorpurple. Psychology of the color red Marketing colors like red catch attention.
The meaning of the color red is associated with canada b2c email list excitement,passion, danger, energy and action. You may have noticed that some brands usered for their 'order now' buttons or their packaging as a way to stand out onthe shelf. In color psychology, red is the most intense color. And so, it canprovoke the strongest emotions. Red can also trigger danger, so you want to useit sparingly. If you want to use the color red on your website do it sparingly,use it for example for call to action or sales icons if it fits well with yourshop design. Red is the iconic color used for brands like Coca Cola and YouTube. The color red also creates happiness and excitement. YouTube probably usesthe color red precisely because watching videos online gives you a sort ofhappiness and excitement.
Notice how the red part of their logo has been used for theplay button which can help someone get into the action. It encourages you towant to press play on their videos. Orange color psychology In colorpsychology, orange represents creativity, adventure, enthusiasm, success andbalance. The color orange adds a little fun to any image, website or marketingmaterial. It also serves to attract attention, but it is not as invasive andimpactful as red. The meaning of the color orange shines through in logos likeFanta or Black and Decker . Fanta is an orange drink, a typical children's foodproduct and therefore the logo accurately represents the celebration andenthusiasm of children through its playful orange colour. Black and Deckersells DIY products. The orange logo here represents quality and creativity.