HobbiesInterests Ask customers and those who align with your target audience about their hobbies and interests. If youre a fashion brand, for example, its helpful to know if large segments of your audience are also interested in fitness and wellbeing to inform future content and partnerships. Priorities Talk to customers and target audience members to find out whats most important to them in relation to your business. For example, if youre a BB software company, knowing your audience values customer support over a competitive price point is very valuable information. By combining all of these details, youll be able to create buyer personas that are accurate and highly valuable for your business. . Identify your goals and the digital marketing tools youll need. Your marketing goals should always be tied back to the fundamental goals of your business.
For example, if your businesss goal is to increase online revenue by , your marketing teams Russia WhatsApp Number goal might be to generate more leads via the website than the previous year to contribute to that success. Use a highlevel marketing plan template to outline your annual marketing strategy, identify top priorities, and more. marketingstrategytemplatefree Download the Template Whatever your overarching digital marketing goal is, you must be able to measure the success of your strategy along the way with the right digital marketing tools. For instance, the Reporting Dashboard in HubSpot brings all of your marketing and sales data into one place, so you can quickly determine what works and what doesnt to improve your strategy for the future. .

When reviewing your existing digital marketing channels and assets to determine what to incorporate in your strategy, its helpful to first consider the big picture — this will prevent you from feeling overwhelmed or confused. Gather what you have, and categorize each vehicle or asset in a spreadsheet, so you have a clear picture of your existing owned, earned, and paid media. Owned, Earned, Paid Media Framework To do this effectively, use the owned, earned, and paid media framework to categorize the digital vehicles, assets, or channels youre already using and decide whats a good fit for your strategy. Owned Media This refers to the digital assets your brand or company owns — whether thats your website, social media profiles, blog content, or imagery.