More attention to the indepth exploration of the operating procedures in users professional fields that is they are more professional and closely related to the business Bonded more closely View details In the process of digital upgrade data is particularly important Digital upgrade involves all aspects of the retail enterprise value chain whether it is design production sales delivery and aftersales it can bring business changes through digital means and improve enterprise efficiency and core competitiveness Why choose Enterprise WeChat In fact in the retail industry different companies have different choices some choose DingTalk and some choose Feishu Several companies I serve have chosen Enterprise WeChat as a tool for digital upgrading of the sales process Im not saying which option is better but that Enterprise
WeChat is more suitable for the companys strategy and direction at that time DB to Data After longterm cooperation when it comes to the core reasons for choosing Enterprise WeChat I think the two most critical points are the ability to connect WeChat and API Connect to WeChat As early as WeChat has become a welldeserved nationallevel social APP with million active users The average daily usage time of WeChat is more than hours accounting for nearly In the retail industry it has become normal for sales staff to maintain customer relationships through WeChat However with the rapid development of WeChat ecological microbusiness and various automated gray production tools all kinds of lowquality marketing content are flooded with friends groups and Moments The WeChat team began to suppress excessive
marketing behaviors using WeChat by banning accounts and intentionally moved marketing scenarios to corporate WeChat In Enterprise WeChat added WeChat capabilities for the first time in internal testing At the end of Enterprise WeChat officially shifted its product positioning focus from OA to a marketing platform and in the following years it continued to strengthen its ability to connect to WeChat Sales staff can add friends conduct private chats or establish group chats with customers through Enterprise WeChat without breaking the user experience that customers are accustomed to on WeChat Being able to smoothly connect to the WeChat ecosystem I think this is the core reason why retail companies choose Enterprise WeChat for digital upgrades in the sales process Open API interface capabilities As we mentioned above digitalization is the process of guiding production operation and decisionmaking