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Decrease by 10% last year 2019









发表于 2024-3-6 18:26:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式

Billion Lira is rising industries with the largest decline E-commerce industry with the largest decline Comparison of industries with the largest decline; Airlines: 42% less than last year 2019: 7.5 billion lire 2020: 4.3 billion lire Travel: 51% less than last year 2019: 4.4 billion lire 2020: TL 2.2 billion Accommodation: 42% less than last year 2019: TL 900 million 2020: TL 500 million Entertainment & Arts: 24% less than last year 2019: TL 2.2 billion 2020: TL 190 million Car rental: TL : 140 million lire 2020: 130 million lire The industry shows a downward trend Proportion of card transaction e-commerce volume to general trade volume by province According to the data for the first six months of 2019-2020, calculated by province, card transactions.

The five provinces with the highest proportion of e-commerce volume in general trade volume are: Istanbul: Card transaction volume increased by 2.8% in 2020. Don’t rush at this point and don’t share everything right away because you will need to update the content regularly because Chinese UK Phone Number List then there will be nothing left to write and develop. You need to divide it into months. You can add 1 line or question per month. You’ll find that your content won’t lose rankings and will attract more traffic. In all the work I do, I focus primarily on what my competitors are driving the most traffic to. In fact, creating content that better describes all your competitors’ traffic-driving content is enough to get you to the first page.

You can get Google’s attention by using a never-before-used title across all of your content. This is a method that has been tried hundreds if not thousands of times. Have 100 topics and try using different titles for all of them. You'll be surprised at the traffic and rankings you encounter. Each of your important pages must have at least 3 backlinks. Backlinks shouldn’t be what they used to be. It should only come from relevant websites and be very natural. Subheadings are coming back and Google search engine says we will understand if you don’t use tags used in subheadings but don’t pay attention to this, make sure to use h2 and h3 headings. The trick is, if you search for orange, your main content will show up.

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