Proving competence, overcoming obstacles and overcoming inequalities, more and more women are taking leadership and standing out in entrepreneurship. Studies by Serasa Experian indicate that around five million Brazilian women are entrepreneurs, meaning that 43% of the country's businesses are run by women, especially micro and small companies. These numbers are still discreet when we talk about large companies: just 0.2%, but there is no doubt that they will continue to grow. And there are countless reasons for this: 1- Communication: Throughout human history, women have always been involved in collective activities and have developed speech very well. Ease of presenting arguments is a differentiator that strengthens relationships, especially commercial ones. Another very important point about female communication is the lack of inhibition and the search for guarantees when doing business, that is, women don't mind asking or repeating the same thing several times until they ensure that all points have been clarified. 2- Empathy From a very early age, women develop the ability to listen and understand different points of view, putting themselves in other people's shoes.
This skill is a fundamental characteristic for good leadership, it allows you to give and receive feedback, manage conflicts, accept suggestions and ideas and promote a good organizational climate. 3- Multitasking Women are used to double and even triple shifts, so they have the ability to coordinate different tasks on a daily basis, without losing focus. This ability allows managers to handle various activities, paying attention to all processes and people on the team. This 360-degree view allows women to participate and be attentive to different conversations, facilitating networking. 4- Intuition Numbers are often not enough British Student Phone Number List make decisions. Sharp perception, which is one of the most striking female characteristics, is a great ally when you need to find solutions quickly. 5- Systemic view Understanding the whole to obtain final results is an essential analytical capacity for the proper functioning of any company. Women are more perceptive and prone to this systemic view, and this characteristic makes them find flaws and solutions more easily. 6- Emotional intelligence One of the myths linked to the presence of women in the job market is the use of emotion in decision-making.

However, the balance between reason and emotion is among the main advantages of keeping women in leadership positions. 7- Creativity Women are naturally innovative, creative and entrepreneurial. These skills are built throughout life to resolve various adversities and conflicts. In the job market, this characteristic provides innovation in product development, in the creation of marketing and communication strategies with other organizations and customers. 8- Qualification To maintain themselves in a notoriously unequal market, women invest more in professional training than men. Data from the National Qualification Plan of the Ministry of Labor indicate that 60% of qualification courses from 2003 to 2012 were taken by women and that 18.8% of them already had higher education, compared to 11% of men. For the International Labor Organization (ILO), women are more educated, experienced and more productive, characteristics that translate this investment into essential training for companies.