the detention center. Because they are not officially serving their sentences, they cannot leave their cells to do work. the daily life in the cells and their original daily life, and they cannot have contact with the outside world. Many people who originally did not plead guilty have confessed. Because they are too scared. Although detention can eventually be used as a credit against the sentence, what if the final verdict is not guilty Chen Huimin said that the prosecutorial system and judicial organs can really think about whether there is a way to process the cases of these detainees more quickly.
Is prison like a sardine can Five charts to show you the prison problems caused by drunk driving Taiwan’s prison detention ratio is improving year by year, but it is still much higher than abroad. According to statistics, as of August , , the total number of prison India WhatsApp Number Data guards in Taiwan's prisons was ,, and the total number of inmates was ,. The guard ratio was approximately :., which means that one prison administrator was responsible for guarding . prisoners. Prison inmates. Although the alert ratio has continued to improve in recent years,

it is still relatively high compared with British and American countries, Japan, Singapore and Hong Kong. According to the research report commissioned by the Ministry of Justice’s Correctional Services Administration in , Gender Equality and Public Manpower Assessment in Correctional Institutions - An Empirical Study on Gender Restrictions in Examinations for Prison Officers and Prison