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Brazil's absence from the "short list" does not mean that the country









发表于 2024-3-12 13:48:38 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
The Commission for the Application of Standards (CAS) of the International Labor Organization (ILO) left Brazil off the so-called "short list" during the th International Labor Conference, which took place in June. For the National Association of Labor Attorneys ( ANPT), however, this circumstance cannot be interpreted as if Brazilian labor legislation was in absolute accordance with the ILO Conventions and Recommendations. reproduction reproduction "On the contrary, it is imperative to remember that since , the country has been giving explanations to the international organization, due to the changes implemented by Law ,/, known as labor reform, more specifically about the possibility of prevalence of the negotiated over the legislated, or that is, establishing, in collective norms, working conditions that are less favorable than those foreseen in the national legislation", says the entity. According to the ANPT, articles -A and -B have, since then, been the subject of several comments by the Committee of Experts, whose analysis precedes that of the CAS. In , this commission reiterated its comments on labor reform and made observations on provisional measures and — which was converted into Law ,/ — highlighting the need to reinforce dialogue with representatives of workers and employers to assess impacts.

"Only due to negotiations Greece Phone Number between the government, employers and workers, Brazil was not included on the list for debate in the Standards Application Committee. The absence of Brazil on the 'short list' does not mean (…) that the legislative changes introduced by labor reform or legislation enacted on an emergency basis to mitigate the economic impacts of the Covid- pandemic are in line with the parameters and guidelines of international labor standards. The various comments from the Committee of Experts reveal, in fact, the opposite and demonstrate inertia regarding to the measures whose adoption, in this regard, were requested" , continues the ANPT. TST denies pastor's employment relationship with the Universal Church Due to the lack of legal, social and economic importance of the appeal, the th Panel of the Superior Labor Court denied the recognition of the employment relationship between a pastor and the Universal Church Church of the Kingdom of God. reproduction reproduction The author served the church for eight years in Argentina and Colombia.

Despite having been admitted to worship, he said that religious practices aimed to collect amounts of offerings and donated goods from the faithful. He claimed that he needed to follow prior instructions from his superiors to promote services, keep working hours and record his journey in a document called a "boleta". He also asked for compensation for having been forced to have a vasectomy when he got married. The claims were denied in the first instance and confirmed by the Regional Labor Court of the nd Region. The understanding was that obedience to the church hierarchy and compliance with the rules of ecclesiastical and liturgical order do not characterize legal subordination. Furthermore, the financial transfer would only be a necessary contribution for the development of the activity, and not exactly a salary. At the TST, the reporting minister Dora Maria da Costa did not identify in the ruling any contradiction to the jurisprudence of the court or the Federal Supreme Court regarding the topics under discussion. "There was no unprecedented discussion regarding labor legislation or infringement of the minimum social guarantee guaranteed in the constitutional text regarding the aforementioned appeal topics, nor were there any general consequences of an economic nature", pointed out the judge. With information from the TST press office.








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