The National Construction Confederation (CNC) has denounced that the different public administrations in Spain have increased the use of their own resources by 36% between January and June of this year, which it considers "nullifies the competition to execute public contracts." by private companies.
In total, the Public Sector Contracting Platform has published 192 works commissioned through its own resources, for a global amount of 379.5 million euros , as reported by the industry's employers' association.
CNC warns that this pace would mean ending the Cambodia Telegram Number Data current year with 460 works commissioned through its own resources for an amount of 910 million euros, compared to the record of 337 commissions for an amount of 661 million euros in 2022.
"The data reveals the systematic abuse of a mechanism that should be exceptional and not a regular resource by public administrations. The lack of business competition also favors the concentration of orders in very few of them," he laments.

The employers' association has drawn attention to some of these contracts, such as the execution of works to improve energy efficiency and the sustainable rehabilitation of 74 actions in various Civil Guard barracks throughout the national territory, financed by the Plan of Recovery, Transformation and Resilience (PRTR).
This order was formulated by the Head of Economic Affairs of the Civil Guard to the State Commercial Company for Real Estate Asset Management (Segipsa) for more than 75 million euros.
Administrations usually resort to their own means to carry out their works when a tender is void . As the number of void tenders increases due to tensions in the prices of contracts without a review system, many of the works are finally commissioned to their own resources, which execute them with budgets higher than those of the original tender.
"A convenient practice, but one that entails a higher cost for the contracting Administration, which makes competition very unfair, which attacks the creation of wealth for companies and workers and which could trigger the number of dissolutions and bankruptcies of companies. construction companies ", concludes the CNC.