The Technicians of the Ministry of Finance, Gestha, advanced that Andorra, Cyprus, Ireland, the Czech Republic and Luxembourg could be tax havens on Spain's next list, given the update of the EU list that the Ministers of Economy and Finance are carrying out. . In this sense, Gestha indicates that the transfer of profits carried out by multinationals to territories with low taxation causes a “hole” in the public coffers of 14% of the annual income obtained in Spain from the corporate tax, as can be seen. from several international studies.
At the European level, losses would amount to up to 20%. How are Andorra and Luxembourg similar? Faced with this, the technicians propose that the third autonomous criterion of low or no taxation Belgium Mobile Number List be added to the current criteria of Transparency - exchange of information - and Tax Justice - non-existence of harmful tax regimes -, to be included in the European list of havens, actually “tax havens”, to territories that do not meet any of these criteria, even if they are part of the EU. A “hole” in the Spanish public coffers of 14% of annual income from corporate tax is estimated In fact, technicians ask to include those countries with low taxation in the list of EU tax havens, even within the.

Especially when the European Commission itself points out that tax regulations currently facilitate aggressive tax planning in these Member States. Well, technicians indicate that the countries receiving the benefits of multinationals in Europe are Cyprus, Ireland, the Czech Republic and Luxembourg. And that the biggest losers are Italy, Greece, France, Germany, Spain and Latvia. Correlation of profit shifting of multinationals between European countries 1Source: Technicians from the Ministry of Finance, Gestha, with data from Eurostat In this sense, Gestha recalls that the European Parliament recently approved - with 90% of the MEPs' favorable vote - a resolution on tax havens in which the Commission and the Council were asked to propose an effective minimum level of taxation that constitutes.