To be eligible for subsidies, which can be consulted in the regulatory bases of the call. What type of actions are eligible? The regulatory bases list all eligible actions, both for accessibility projects and for projects to Spain Mobile Number List improve energy efficiency. It is important to note that actions are included that improve the thermal envelope of the building to reduce the energy demand for heating or cooling. These actions include the replacement of carpentry , since windows with high thermal performance can reduce energy consumption by up to 70%. To know the amount of aid and consult all the information about the call, you can consult the regulatory bases here.
If you need information about other renove plans you can find it on our website.If a few months ago we told you about the window renewal plan of the community of madrid , now we want to inform you about other aid with which we can also change the enclosures of the home. We are referring to aid for the rehabilitation of buildings of the community of madrid, which can be requested until next july 24 . We tell you everything you need to be able to request them: who can benefit from this aid? Aid for the rehabilitation of buildings is quite broad, since it can be requested by communities of owners, owners of homes or residential buildings, cooperative societies, public administrations, construction companies, tenants or building concessionaires, and construction companies.

Energy services. What types of works are eligible for subsidies? There are three different categories that are eligible for subsidies: works that improve energy efficiency and sustainability, conservation works and works that improve accessibility and/or safety. · energy efficiency and sustainability: to access this type of aid, the work carried out must reduce energy demand ≥ 35/25%. Actions are included such as: improvement of the thermal envelope of the building, heating/cooling installations, water supply installations, improvements in noise protection, reduction of radon inside buildings, efficiency of lighting systems in areas common or sustainable mobility actions.