A successful professional career, with market recognition and financial return, is built with diverse and enriching work experiences, but also with a lot of dedication to studies. Many people stop investing in their academic training and focus only on their work, both because they don't know which path to follow to continue their studies and because they consider that they have already studied enough. The first step towards building a good trajectory in the world of work begins with training in an undergraduate course, be it a bachelor's degree, degree or technologist. This step is completed by most workers, but then… what to do? Entering a postgraduate course is the next step after obtaining an undergraduate degree, after all, they provide the professional with more specific and in-depth knowledge on a given topic, certifying them as a specialist. According to an IBGE survey, professionals who have some postgraduate qualifications receive, on average, salaries above R$4,000.00. The research shows that postgraduate salaries are 150% to 255% higher compared to those who only have a degree.
Therefore, knowing what a postgraduate degree is and what courses are available within your area of activity is essential to obtain greater income and build a more stable and fruitful professional life. Everything about postgraduate studies Postgraduate courses receive this name because they appear as a continuity in the academic and professional training of graduates. Therefore, it is mandatory that the person has previously completed an News US undergraduate course. Courses in this category are classified into lato sensu and stricto sensu. Lato sensu The Latin term lato sensu can be translated as “in a broad sense” and is applied at the university to courses that offer a more general theoretical-practical in-depth study within a specific area of activity. This modality is made up of two categories, Specialization courses and MBAs. In general, courses in both categories last 360 hours. Specialization As the name suggests, this type of course offers in-depth study in a specific area of activity, enabling the acquisition of specific theoretical-practical knowledge, making the professional an expert.

It is possible to find Specialization courses in the most diverse areas of activity in different professions. MBA (Master of Business Administration) MBA courses share some similarities with Specialization courses, but they are specifically aimed at working in the business segment. Their objective is to train experts in business, project and people management. If the objective is to specialize in people coordination techniques, learn how to plan and efficiently implement any project, in short, if your area of activity involves the business world, MBA courses are the most suitable. Now we will see what stricto sensu postgraduate studies are . understand-about-postgraduate Strict sensu Unlike the previous modality, the courses that make up the stricto sensu category offer more specific training in which the course starts from the study of a real problem or works on requirements for acting in academic life (such as in Industrial Biotechnology , for example). For this reason, it is a more frequent training for those who work as researchers, scientists or even university professors.