The general director of Public Health of the Community of Madrid, Elena Andradas, admits that since June only a total of tracers have been hired , including those who were processed through the emergency procedure - nursing assistants and two doctors (one for each shift) - with the private company Quirón Prevention, who were trained and supervised by a field epidemiologist from said General Directorate. This appears in the registered document, dated August and signed by Andradas herself in response to a request for information from CCOO of Madrid. On up to four occasions, this union has requested this information from the organization without receiving a response. The data provided by the director of Public Health refutes the figures published in recent days by the Minister of Health who has been ensuring that Madrid has trackers. Madrid should have a minimum of , trackers, according to international standards.
Elena andradasIn the letter, Andradas informs that in June contracts were requested for nursing graduates in order to carry out the work of contact tracing of cases diagnosed with AOL Email List infection. He points out in his response that "the upward evolution of new cases diagnosed as the results of the hiring processes has led to expanding the professional profiles of the open hiring processes to cover the positions offered." Thus, for the execution of the Plan for the Early Detection of Cases and the monitoring of cases and their close contacts, in the month of July, professionals with degrees in Nursing, Medicine, Biology, Social Education and, later in the same month of July, administrative assistants , according to the director of Public Health, in information made public by the union.

Additionally, in August, according to the document, professionals with degrees in Nursing, Medicine, Biology, Social Education, Psychology and Social Work were requested , although it does not specify whether all the contracts were finally carried out. On July , two months after the Ministry of Health's commitment to hire at least professionals to track COVID- cases, Public Health proposes to modify Order /, of June , of the Ministry of Health. Health, which establishes preventive measures to face the health crisis caused by COVID- once the extension of the state of alarm has ended. Volunteers and Chiron For which, through Order /, of July , the Ministry of Health, voluntarily allows the temporary performance of functions of the staff of local corporations, maintaining the accrual of remuneration by the organization of origin, and without modification of the administrative situation.