Do not give out personal information to strangers If you receive a call from a phone number you do not recognize, do not give out personal information such as name, address, social security number, etc. to strangers. If you do so, your personal information may be used for further marketing activities. In general, if you want to remove your phone number from a marketer's list, you can sign up for a "do not disturb" list, talk to the marketer, use mobile software to block unwanted calls , not answer unwanted calls and not disclose to strangers personal information. These methods can help you reduce the number of marketing calls you receive, thereby better protecting your personal privacy. The following is an article in Chinese about the FCC Do Not Call List and Telemarketing: The FCC Do Not Call List is a program designed to protect consumers from telephone harassment and marketing calls. If you register your phone number on this list, marketers and
Including promotional and nonprofit phone numbers. Joining the FCC do not call Poland phone number list list is very simple. You just need to visit the official website of the FCC and register your phone number. The service is free and phone numbers from will remain on the list for up to five years . If you wish to remain on the list, you may re-register. While the policy can help consumers reduce harassment and marketing calls, not all types of calls are protected. For example, if you have previously done business with a company or provided that company with your phone number, they may continue to contact you without breaking the law. In addition, political organizations,

charities, and market research companies may call your number without breaking the law. If you registered your phone number on the FCC do-not-call list and still receive marketing calls, you can file a complaint with the FCC about the company. If the company is found to be breaking the rules, they could be fined. When telemarketing, it is important to understand the relevant regulations and comply with them. Violation of FCC regulations can result in fines and legal action.