However the image of a brand is subject to change and therefore unstable. On the other hand, brands also contain so-called brand substance, which is formed unconsciously and can only be documented with the help of depth psychological methods. In contrast to brand image, brand substance is constant and stable over time. It not only reflects the needs and desires of consumers, but also has an impact on the emotional level, thus forming the basis of trust in the performance of the brand. A successful emotional positioning of a brand is especially important as it reduces the risk of being copied by competitors.
Therefore, brand analytics must also ensure that emotional brand images are Philippines WhatsApp Number List documented so that opportunities for development can be identified. Many examples of successful brands can be used to illustrate the success factors that make a brand emotional. more successful as an energy drink than comparable brands in the same product segment. With Red Bull's action sports marketing, the brand stands out from the competition by occupying a different emotional position in consumers' minds. Online Marketing Seminars In our online marketing seminars, you will learn the fundamentals, tools and channels to successfully position your company online. The workshops cover the most important disciplines such as , , content marketing and social media marketing.

Here you can find more information and next dates: Cologne Online Marketing Covenant or online now on Monday , Cologne Online Marketing Covenant or online now Wed , Cologne . Cologne Online Marketing Compact or know the legend online immediately: places still available. Only a few spots left! Sorry, it's fully booked. Which methods are most suitable for brand analysis The method used is decisive for the success of the brand analysis. The problem with purely quantitative methods is whether sufficiently detailed information is obtained, while the representativeness of purely qualitative methods must be questioned.