It can also be used in the deal of the day that lasts only until a certain time. This type of treatment is often used on Amazon. The introduction of a time barrier during which a given promotion is valid causes increased interest in a specific product. People under the influence of periodic restrictions on special offers, where you can still save about 30%, do not hesitate to buy for a long time. Discounts on services and products on a specific day are also an interesting option.
This is especially evident in the travel industry. According to a report by Airlines Reporting Corp. According to Expedia from 2016, buy plane tickets. However, it is still the most expensive on Friday, when prices jump by 13%. Another example may be special offers for cinema tickets, which we India WhatsApp Number List can see very well on our Polish market and Cinema City's offer. Show customers their competition People don't like being left out. In a situation where someone else buys something nice, and there is not enough stock in the warehouse for us, we start to be sad and whiny, like small children who will not get their dream toy or candy. People responsible for FoMO marketing take advantage of this situation.

A well-prepared campaign plays on consumers' emotions, which stimulate them to action. Again, let's go back to Amazon for a moment, because it's great there. We can see exactly how many people have booked in the last 24 hours and we can see how many people are viewing the listing at any given time. If the numbers are large, it automatically leads us to the conclusion that in a moment there may be no room in the dream apartment, so we do not think long about buying this place.