本帖最后由 ProdipRoy 于 2023-3-29 12:15 编辑
If you want to acquire business sales opportunities along with information about the possibility of a photovoltaic installation. Or you have a database of potential customers with real estate addresses and you are interested in analyzing roofs in terms of the possibility of installing PV. Panelsmake an appointment for a free consultation with a specialist How to start acquiringcustomers Tagsminutes of readingcustomer acquisition Acquiring new business customers in the segment ofcompanies is a complex process around which the marketing activities of a given company focus.
The marketing department is responsible for a constant influx of business partners who fill the sales funnel. Nowadays, it is important to develop a strategy that works in the long term. Marketing requires conveying value to potential Vietnam WhatsApp Number List customers, sharing your knowledge, qualifying the lead, and then educating itconducting the lead nurturing process. The process of acquiring business customers is prolonged due to the number of decisionmakers who participate in it. Contents Customer acquisition strategy Sales funnel To start the process of acquiring a potential customer, it is necessary to be aware of the existence of a sales funnel.

This is an assumption that the sales process is postponed. The purchase decision is prolonged and the passage of the sales funnel requires customer education. This is illustrated in the graphic below salesfunnel The first three stages are direct contact with a potential lead. Then there is lead heating, sales qualification, offer and acceptance of the offer. This makes a good impression, especially since it is read by your companys target audience. This is a good way to get customers. Acquiring business clients through LinkedIn LinkedIn is the largest networking site for business contacts.