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Are you curious about how it works? Let's see in the next section! Also read









发表于 2023-4-9 13:50:55 | 显示全部楼层 |阅读模式
Detection – Examples such as detecting website security holes based on data obtained from security plugins. Decision making – For example, such as determining the value of accreditation based on data related to agency performance. Classification – Examples such as differentiating high quality products and low quality products based on data from the quality control team . Recommendations – Examples include product recommendations from online stores based on product pages visited by potential buyers. Well, now you know that there are tons of things you can do with data science.

Programming Data Types that Programmers Must Know How Does Data Science Work? If explained as a whole, how data science works is actually quite complex. Therefore, the following is the flow of implementing data science if explained more simply: Planning – First of all, the data Phone Number List scientist needs to plan the projects they are going to undertake, as well as the results they want. Data mining – Then, the data search process begins. Either through qualitative or quantitative methods. Data management – ​​After getting the desired data, the data scientist will store the data regularly so that it is easy to access.

Identification of data – The data obtained will be identified. Usually by attaching a category or label to each data. Data analysis - In this phase, every data will be processed and analyzed so that the business can get the information it wants. Data visualization – Finally, the information obtained will be interpreted into a format that is easier to understand. An example is a graph report. Also read: What is Data Mining? The following is the definition and examples of practice! What Skills are Required by Data Scientist? At the beginning of the article, we have discussed that the profession in the data field is very prospective.

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