In which cases and for which videos should this summary technique be used? This technique is especially valid for videos of the tutorial type, unboxing or even various lists but it can either be applied to almost any type of video as long as it is long enough to allow it. Is summary type display on Google guaranteed for well-optimized videos? No. well optimized for this display in the form of a summary, Google carries out numerous tests every day to decide on the best display to present to the Internet user according to numerous criteria, so nothing is ever guaranteed.
However, by doing this, you are still giving yourself a better chance than your Specific Database competitor who won't of getting it and thus boosting your click-through rate in Google's search results. The summary sometimes visible directly in the search results This search results update with the integration of key moments from a video below was originally announced in September 2019 by Google for its US results at first.

If the enriched display of key moments under a video directly in Google search results is therefore not new, this feature was until now not very visible in France. Here is a concrete example recently observed by an SEO in France: Summary addition on YouTube video Example of summary displayed under a YouTube video displayed in Google search results in France ( source ) 5/5 - (4 votes) Would you like to receive our best articles ? (You can unsubscribe at any time.) .