Along withthe particularity of the maintenance method of textile products, the ink onsuch labels must also have superior resistance to water, detergents, softenersetc. picture 15 To deal with these difficulties, the WP300A was born, which isspecially designed for washing watermarks and textile printing. With excellentprinting clarity, almost all component symbols and small characters can beprinted; Good compatibility with most nylon, cotton, acetate and polyester;High resistance to drying, abrasion, domestic and industrial washing With thehighly compatible water washable label products (TTF).
It meetsthe high standard requirements Canada Phone Number List for label printing in textiles in variousapplication scenarios such as manufacturing, cleaning and daily use, andperfectly maintains the high recognition and availability of labelinformation.retrospective. picture 16 customer needs: 1. The printing mark isclear and washable for 6-10 times. 2. Both the water washable label and theribbon must have an Oeko-Tex Standard 100 certificate. 3. The selected washablelabels and ribbons are required to be compatible with various printers on themarket, whether it is a flat press or a side press printer. Customer painpoints: 1. There are many types of washable labels on the market, but thequality is uneven. Customers have to spend a lot of time to find high-qualitywashable labels and matching ribbons.

Washinglabels and ribbons can generally only be purchased independently. Whether thematching effect can really meet the customer's washing and printingrequirements, because there is no case reference, it cannot be verified in ashort time, which brings certain risks to project recommendation According tothe actual situation of customers, we recommend WP300A and WP-T3A to customers.In the context of commodity globalization, commodity identification is more andmore important, and the thermal transfer series, with its excellent printingquality, can ensure that the label can be kept clear and complete in every linkof the product life cycle, providing.