The challenge is the construction of a democratic route that makes possible the fundamental transformations of the State, particularly with regard to relations between the State and indigenous peoples, as well as the economic and social regime. The triumph of the Honduran left, after eight years of the authoritarian and corrupt conservative government of Juan Orlando Hernández and a coup in 2009, is marked by a series of challenges and the possibility of frustrating expectations of change. But ultimately, the latest elections opened a new stage in the Central American country. The challenges of Xiomara Castro in Honduras On May 6, the first 100 days of the government of President Xiomara Castro were completed.
Arrival in government on January 27, 2022 took place in a context full of expectations Singapore Phone Number List and hopes, after 12 consecutive years of the National Party (2010-2022), which assumed political power immediately after the 2009 coup. Eight years of the last two governments corresponded to Juan Orlando Hernández (2014-2022), denounced for corruption and drug trafficking, and today detained in the United States after the extradition process from Honduras was completed. During that time, there was a strong setback in what had been advanced in the democratic construction process that began in.

The early 1980s and the style of doing politics and exercising government deteriorated, both characterized by an extreme patrimonial vision of the StateThis was evidenced in a widespread looting of public goods and resources through networks of corruption and total control of the Executive Power over the other powers of the State and over the key instances related to the control of accounts, transparency mechanisms and the electoral system. The general elections of November 2021 marked a halt in this process. But the country inherited and the state received by the new government are marked by systematic and widespread looting, a very limited budget, marked institutional weakness.